I am Judie!
What is it called when you don't believe someone or you think that they are just making up things and then all of a sudden the same things happen to you? Well, I wouldn't necessarily say, "All of a sudden." It's been years in the making. I think it's like the evil eye. You wear a pretty bead from Turkey that keeps people from being jealous of you. I think it's something like that. You try to stave off something bad happening. But, it catches up. It always catches up. Like all the girls who post selfies, "This is what 40 Looks Like," You want to reply, "Take care if your teeth! They look great now, but you'll be financing $10,000 major dental work by age 42!" Or the ones with the perfect hair and no wrinkles. You want to tell them about things that *seem* to work to keep them looking so good, but you wake up one day with hairbrushes of hair gone and black circles under your eyes. Never mind, why be so cynical. Years ago I had a sma...