talking about covid again

I believe, in general, we don't talk about Covid and our losses from 2020-2022 enough. 

I had seven friends die during that period. Two of them were close and it was a huge loss. They both left their mothers and young children at home alone. 

Maybe more than seven died from Covid because a lot more people died, but if their family were in denial, they would often list their death as something else. I figured others were Covid, though.

I quit church altogether, but still knew the 'goings on' of three of my previous churches. One congregation lost 50 or 60 of their parishioners and that was hard. Especially when that specific church didn't really 'believe' in Covid. They still had meetings even when they were told not to. I wrote anonymously to the Pastor, when 800 a day were dying in other countries, about being a "good shepherd" to his "flock" He replied they had it "handled." 

After that, Covid rushed through that church like a wildfire. 

This has led me to whine about what I believe is the church  neglect of the grieving. 

Many family and friends are still grieving, however, if you don't really acknowledge that and just try to move on without addressing the loss, you can cause more damage.

An example is Barbara's husband. Barbara died of Covid. It wasn't acknowledged in the church as Covid and he didn't get the opportunity to grieve his loss properly.  

I saw him posting recently that he had made a huge and horrible mistake in a business dealing he would have normally not made, but since his wife, also a business owner, had passed, his mind wasn't right. 

I wrote him back telling him how great Barbara was and it obviously was not a long time since she passed and to be 'easy'/'gentle' on himself.

I noticed no one from Church replied to him and his friends who did reply, offered help with business things. Things they would obviously end up being paid for if he took them up on their offers. No one mentioned the loss of Barbara (except me) being the real issue. He even admitted he knew it was being alone, missing her, not thinking straight from grief that caused the big mess-up in the business deal.

I guess it really got to me, as I know many people who lost really amazing people to Covid and I don't think their grief and loss is being addressed.
Especially by the churches. 

It's sad. Church is suppose to be a place where you receive the comfort and help you need 😢
It is sad the churches have become so political they have really lost their callings. 

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